About Allan

From publishing software to the cloud, I started in 2001 by releasing a Linux distribution in Brazil, built 2 more products, co-founded a company, migrated to Australia, got a master’s degree, got married, became a DevOps engineer and now co-founder of SpikeNode.com.

###I products

Console Linux 1.0, my first product release, was a Linux distribution adapted to the local market and designed to serve as material for Linux courses around the country. Many courses used my Linux as the official training material.

NeoLinux was a software layer over Linux that allow users to perform complicated configuration tasks using a web browser.

Netunne was also a software layer over Linux but more sophisticated and focused on small ISPs that need a gateway/router to control their customer’s access to the internet.

Spikenode is a cloud deployment tool that allows business to deploy their web applications in a completely automated way, into multiple environments (including production) while keeping total control, by using their own cloud.

###Academic achievements

  • Bacharel degree in Information Systems from PUC-Rio
  • Masters degree from University of Sydney

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  • Co-founder/CTO of Console
    Startup incubated at Instituto Genesis for 4 years (part of PUC-Rio University).
    Developed NeoLinux and Netunne there.
  • Co-founder of SpikeNode
    My next big thing.